Статьи за последние 2 года
Development and studies of a high-current relativistic gyrotron with a TM-type operating mode / Abudakirov E., Danilov Yu., Denisenko A., Leontyev A., Rozental R. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 235-237.— английский
Layer-by-layer deposition of transparent AZO coatings on polymer surfaces in a DC magnetron discharge / Ageychenkov D. G., Kaziev A. V., Kolodko D. V., Isakova A. S. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 1032-1035.— английский
Creation of ZnSe nanoclusters in a silicon dioxide track template on silicon / Akylbekova A. D., Baimukhanov Z. K., Dauletbekova A. K. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 1192-1197.— английский
Ensuring radiation safety of medical examinations using thermoluminescent dosimetry / Aluker N., Artamonov A. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 1237-1244.— английский
Glow of own defects in ZnO polycrystals / Aluker N. L. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 1156-1163.— английский
Influence of magnetic field induction on the energy of ions and injection processes of ionized flows of working substances in a plasma mass separator / Antonov N. N., Vetrova S. B., Usmanov R. A., Liziakin G. D., Melnikov A. D. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 740-745.— английский
Numerical simulation of individual cell of the electron beam source with a plasma cathode / Astrelin V. T., Kandaurov I. V., Tarakanov V. P. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 583-590.— английский
Production of iron oxide nanopowders by radiation-chemical method / Balezin M. E., Sokovnin S. Yu. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 453-557.— английский
Study of URT-1M accelerator in submicrosecond operation / Balezin M. E., Sokovnin S. Yu., Gerasimov A. S. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 447-452.— английский
Sub-terahertz gyrotron based on the use of external frequency-tunable mirror / Bandurkin I. V., Kalynov Yu. K., Osharin I. V., Peskov N. Yu., Savilov A. V., Shchegolkov D. Yu. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 309-314.— английский
Effect on the GaAs parameters of a photoconductive semiconductor switch with a silicon oxide layer when switched by 355-nm laser radiation / Barmin V. V., Konev V. Yu., Romanchenko I. V. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 361-366.— английский
Ring structure of electron-ion beams ejected by a picosecond high-current electron accelerator / Baryshnikov V. I., Paperny V. L., Chernyh A. B. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 41-46.— английский
Modeling of plasma dynamics parameters of magnetoplasma compressor / Batrak N. V., Kopaleishvili N. G. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 577-582.— английский
Influence of a voltage pulse rise time and pressure of air and nitrogen on the parameters of runaway electron beams / Beloplotov D. V., Tarasenko V. F., Sorokin D. A. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 544-549.— английский
Stress evolution in NiCoFeCrMn and NiCoFeCr high-entropy alloys irradiated by helium and krypton ions / Belov M. M., Ivanov I. A., Uglov V. V., Zlotski S. V., Jin K., Stepanjuk N. A., Ryskulov A. E., Kozlovskiy A. L., Koloberdin M. V., Kurakhmedov A. E., Sapar A. D. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 1082-1087.— английский
Luminescence of dye after exposure to electron beam radiation / Bocharnikova E. N., Tchaikovskaya O. N., Mayer G. V., Solomonov V. I., Makarova A. S., Osipov V. V., Chaikovsky S. A. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 1127-1132.— английский
Nanosecond pulse discharge in helium / Bokhan P. A., Glubokov N., Gugin P. P., Lavrukhin M. A., Zakrevsky D. E. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 572-576.— английский
Plasma reactor for material synthesis and waste recycling / Bolatova Zh., Pak A. Ya., Gumovskaya A. A., Povalyaev P. V., Martynov R. S., Larionov K. B. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 801-805.— английский
Formation of residual stresses in the surface layers of corrosion-resistant steel samples after irradiation with high-current pulsed electron beams / Bytsenko O. A., Steshenko I. G. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 1440-1444.— английский
Calculation of the one-dimensional photonic crystals based on diamond / Chashchin V. V., Lipatov E. I. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 1480-1483.— английский
High-power terahertz Cherenkov radiation in oversized slow-wave structure / Chazov V., Deichuly M., Koshelev V., Petkun A. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 219-224.— английский
High-current THz-band gyrotrons based on axial-slit cavities / Danilov Yu., Leontyev A., Malkin A., Rozental R., Shchegolkov D. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 294-297.— английский
Extraction into the atmosphere of a focused beam with an energy of 2.5 MeV / Domarov E. V., Vorobev D. S., Golkovsky M. G., Golubenko Y. I., Korchagin A. I., Kuksanov N. K., Salimov R. A., Fadeev S. N., Cherepkov V. G., Chakin I. K., Zhang Changyou // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 47-52.— английский
Multilayer corrosion-resistant ceramic-metal coatings on stainless steel obtained by magnetron sputtering / Dorofeeva M., Dorofeeva T., Fedorischeva M., Gubaidulina T., Sergeev V. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 970-974.— английский
Dark current behaviour analysis for avalanche photodiodes / Douhan R. M. H., Kokhanenko A. P., Lozovoy K. A. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 1508-1510.— английский
Computation of output parameters of a submicrosecond electron accelerator / Egorov I. S., Serebrennikov M. A., Poloskov A. V. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 601-605.— английский
Transverse radiation input and output for planar relativistic surface-wave oscillators and amplifiers / Fedotov A. E., Malkin A. M., Zaslavsky V. Yu., Sergeev A. S., Ginzburg N. S. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 258-261.— английский
Non-equilibrium plasma of pulsed corona discharge for the purpose of air purification from typical ventilation exhausts of polymer production / Filatov I., Uvarin V., Kuznetsov D. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 415-420.— английский
Properties of ultrananocrystalline diamond grown under different deposition conditions / Gaydaychuk A., Linnik S., Mitulinsky A., Zenkin S. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 1484-1493.— английский
Superluminescence of NV centers in diamond pumped by the second harmonic of a Nd:YAG laser / Genin D. E., Mironov V. P., Tel'minov E. N., Shulepov M. A. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 1474-1479.— английский
Microwave generators with passive mode-locking / Ginzburg N. S., Samsonov S. V., Denisov G. G., Vilkov M. N., Zotova I. V., Bogdashov A. A., Gachev I. G., Sergeev A. S., Rozental R. M., Danilov Yu. Yu., Ilyakov E. V., Kulagin I. S. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 243-247.— английский
Auxiliary orbitron glow discharge of a wide aperture electron accelerator based on ion-electron emission / Grishkov A. A., Vorobyov M. S., Doroshkevich S. Yu., Shklyaev V. A. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 109-117.— английский
Simulation of a wide-aperture electron accelerator based on ion-electron emission in repetitively pulsed mode / Grishkov A. A., Vorobyov M. S., Doroshkevich S. Yu., Shklyaev V. A. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 118-127.— английский
Luminescence of compacts from mixtures of nano and micro calcium fluoride powders / Ilves V., Sokovnin S., Zayats S., Zuev M. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 1148-1155.— английский
Nickel-based superalloy, relation between non-linear ultrasound and microstructure changes due to creep damages / Ishii Yutaka, Ishihara Kuniaki, Ohtani Toshihiro, Sakakibara Takayuki, Kamaya Masayuki, Ohta Yutarou, Kubusiro Keiji // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 863-868.— английский
Self-powered photodetectors based on the Ga2O3/n-GaAs / Kalygina V. M., Kisleleva O. S., Kushnarev B. O., Petrova Y. S., Almaev A. V., Oleinik V. L., Tsymbalov A. V. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 1282-1288.— английский
The electron-optical scheme of the energy analyzer of small-sized electron spectrometer / Kambarova Zh. T., Saulebekov A. O., Kopbalina K. B. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 1228-1232.— английский
Plasma parameters of a pulsed high-current low-voltage non-sputtering magnetron discharge in light gases / Kaziev A. V., Kolodko D. V., Tumarkin V. A., Orlov N. P. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 659-662.— английский
Propagation of pulsed electron beam in gas compositions of carbon-containing composite nanomaterial synthesis reagents / Kholodnaya G., Ponomarev D., Sazonov R., Serebrennikov M., Lapteva O. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 70-75.— английский
Defect-related luminescence in KLuP2O7 doped with Pr3+ ions after irradiation with fast electrons and neutrons / Kiselev S. A., Pustovarov V. A., Petrova M. O., Tavrunov D. A. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 1208-1215.— английский
Schemes for recording nanosecond high-power microwave pulses by detectors on hot carriers / Klimov A. I. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 281-283.— английский
Thermal losses in the dielectric case of the absorbing load of liquid calorimeter in measuring the energy of high-power microwave pulses / Klimov A. I., Konev V. Yu. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 275-280.— английский
Characteristics of stationary negative corona discharge in atmospheric air / Kokovin A. O., Kozyrev A. V., Kozhevnikov V. Yu., Semeniuk N. S. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 550-553.— английский
Modeling of reactive sputtering and evaporation in a hot-target magnetron discharge / Kolodko D. V., Sorokin S. M., Kaziev A. V. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 816-819.— английский
UV and VUV radiation of rare gases and nitrogen in diffuse discharges, formed in an inhomogeneous electric field / Kozhevnikov V. V., Panchenko A. N., Tarasenko V. F. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 554-559.— английский
NV center emulation in an external magnetic field / Kozorez A. V., Lipatov E. I. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 1503-1507.— английский
Nonlinear amplification of powerful terahertz pulses by electron bunches / Krygina D. D., Oparina Yu. S., Savilov A. V. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 298-303.— английский
Gas discharge lasers with pulse repetition frequency up to 100 kHz on RM transitions in alkali earth metal ions / Lavrukhin M. A., Bokhan P. A., Gugin P. P., Ananyev I. M., Zakrevsky D. E. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 351-354.— английский
Ti—Mg surface alloys synthesized by magnetron sputtering deposition and LEHCEB technique / Leto Chiara, Lucchini Huspek Andrea, Vicenzo Antonello, Franz Silvia, Bestetti Massimiliano // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 1445-1450.— английский
Plasma instability in a laser controlled high-voltage switch for RADAN type electron accelerator / Lipchak A. I., Volkov N. B., Barakhvostov S. V., Chingina E. A., Turmyshev I. S. // Proceedings of 8 International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects (EFRE-2022), Tomsk, Oct. 2-8, 2022.— 2022.— С. 355-360.— английский