Статьи за последние 2 года
Treating customers as individuals in online retail / Golovacheva K. S., Gogua M. M., Smirnova M. M., Alkanova O. N. // Рос. ж. менеджмента.— 2022 т. 20 № 2.— C. 224-246.— английский
 - Выпуск сериального издания ( 1 )
 - Персоналии ( 4 )
Постоянная ссылка (СИД2) J2107349746
Название Treating customers as individuals in online retail
Автор Golovacheva K. S.
Автор Gogua M. M.
Автор Smirnova M. M.
Автор Alkanova O. N.
Источник Российский журнал менеджмента
Страницы/Объём 224-246
Сокращ. назв. источника Рос. ж. менеджмента
Год 2022
Том 20
Номер 2
Адрес в Интернет http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=50279222
Постоянная ссылка (СИД) J21073497
Ключевые слова (авторские) content personalization%individualized customer experience%interaction humanization%product
Дата регистрации в ВИНИТИ 23.02.2023
Место хранения Удаленный доступ. Эл. регистр. НЭБ
Язык текста английский
Аннотация Goal: the purpose of the current paper is to examine how five consumer characteristics (namely, hedonic shopping orientation, comparison shopping proneness, consumer confusion proneness, privacy concerns, and awareness of privacy control) influence the need for different forms of customer experience (CX) individualization. Methodology: the study is based on an online survey of a representative sample of 586 Russian online consumers conducted in mid-2021. Several consumer groups with different preferences for CX individualization are identified using cluster analysis; then multinominal logit modelling is used to define whether five consumer characteristics can predict group membership. Findings: the results empirically confirm that consumers differ in the need for CX individualization and demonstrate that all five consumer characteristics do work in predicting the need for CX individualization, but their role varies for different CX individualization strategies. Originality and contributions: the paper is the first to jointly examine three CX individualization strategies that online retailers may use to interact with customers: content personalization, product customization, and interaction humanization. The results of the study shed light on CX individualization strategies that firms should use to address the diverse consumer needs in their long-term strategies
Тематический раздел Экономика промышленности