Статьи за последние 2 года
HOPF-TYPE THEOREMS FOR /-NEIGHBORS / Malyutin A. V., Shirokov I. M. // Сиб. электрон. мат. изв.— 2023 т. 20 № 1.— C. 165-182.— английский
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 - Персоналии ( 2 )
Постоянная ссылка (СИД2) J2169917586
Автор Malyutin A. V.
Автор Shirokov I. M.
Источник Сибирские электронные математические известия
Страницы/Объём 165-182
Сокращ. назв. источника Сиб. электрон. мат. изв.
Год 2023
Том 20
Номер 1
Адрес в Интернет http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=54768287
Постоянная ссылка (СИД) J21699175
Ключевые слова (авторские) Borsuk-Ulam type theorems%locally injective%the Hopf theorem%winding number
Место хранения Удаленный доступ. Эл. регистр. НЭБ
Дата регистрации в ВИНИТИ 06.11.2023
Язык текста английский
Аннотация We work within the framework of a program aimed at exploring various extended versions for theorems from a class containing Borsuk-Ulam type theorems, some fixed point theorems, the KKM lemma, Radon, Tverberg, and Helly theorems. In this paper we study variations of the Hopf theorem concerning continuous maps of a compact Riemannian manifold M of dimension n tо Rn. First, we generalize the Hopf theorem in a quantitative sense. Then we investigate the case of maps f: M м Rm with n < m and introduce several notions of varied types of f-nciglibors. winch is a pair of distinct points m M such that f takes it to a 'small' set of some type. Next for each type, we ask what distances on M are realized as distances between f-nciglibors of tins type and study various characteristics of this set of distances. One of our main results is as follows. Let f: M м Rm be a continuous map. We say that two distinct points a and b in M are visual f-neighbors if the segment in Rm with on dpoints f (a) at id f (b) inter sects f (M) onR' at f (a) at id f (b). Then the set of distances that are realized as distances between visual f-neiglil>ors is infinite
Тематический раздел Математика